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carrot juice
n : usually fresh-squeezed juice of carrots
Wortelsap kun je gebruiken om:
-te drinken
Geef maar toe; van die plaatjes
krijg je dorst hea! Schroom niet langer, en pak maar lekker een ijskoud biertje
En dan nu wat meningloze onzin:
Wortelsap is versgeperst sap van wortelen. Het is verkrijgbaar in twee varianten,
nl versgeperst sap of melkzuur-gefermenteerd sap. Wortelsap
is rijk aan bčtacaroteen, dat in het lichaam wordt
omgezet in vitamine A. Dit vitamine is onder meer nodig
voor de opbouw en het gezond houden van huid en slijmvliezen.
Bovendien heeft het een gunstige invloed op 'het zien'
bij schemering. Bčtacaroteen staat verder nog bekend
om zijn bindende werking van zogenaamde 'vrije radicalen'
en kan zo het risico op kanker verminderen.
The concentrated nutritional value of vegetable and fruit juices has
made them a popular addition to many people's diets. One pint of fresh
vegetable juice provides approximately the same vitamins, minerals, and
enzymes as two large salads. And while synthetic vitamins and/or
minerals may be chemically identical to those found in fruits and
vegetables, the body does not absorb them as well as those in natural
foods. In America, carrots are the leading source of beta carotene.
Beta carotene is the most active form of carotenoids, which are pigment
substances in plants that can often form vitamin A. The major
contributions vitamin A makes to the human body are to promote growth;
for visual light and color; to prevent drying of the skin and eyes; for
maintenance of the digestive and urinary tracts; and to enhance
resistance to bacterial infection. Vitamin A has also been linked to
cancer prevention. A deficiency in vitamin A can cause symptoms such as
night blindness; poor growth; dry skin; and xerophthalmia or "dry eye,"
which can promote blindness due to a lack of mucus production by the
eye. Carrots also contain the vitamins B, C, D, E, and K; the minerals
calcium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, and traces of other minerals;
and a trace amount of protein. Calcium helps to strengthen bones,
teeth, and the intestinal walls. The high mineral levels in carrots
contribute to healthy skin, hair, and nails. Carrots also work as a
sort of cleanser for the liver, and when consumed regularly, can help
the liver excrete fats and bile.
Juicing carrots will provide one with the same nutrients as
eating them whole, but some feel that the roughage contained in whole
carrots is an important aspect of their value. Your body needs bulk
(fiber-rich) foods for proper digestion. Should you decide to
incorporate a fresh juice program into your diet, be sure to also
include at least two fiber-rich foods each day, such as raw vegetables,
fresh fruits, and whole grains. One pound of carrots will make approximately six to eight
ounces of carrot juice. Basically, if you already eat nutritionally
balanced meals, juicing is a matter of time and preference. A balanced
diet with a variety of foods and beverages will serve you well for a
lifetime of health and fitness!
meer info over Drug addiction, ga naar www.carrotjuice.com.
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$_GET['showcolumn'] = '1';
$query="SELECT * FROM user_columnreacties where columnid = ".$_GET['showcolumn']." ORDER BY reactieid";
$result = mysql_query($query);
while ($_DATA = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$_DATA['naam'] = htmlspecialchars($_DATA['naam']);
$_DATA['reactie'] = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($_DATA['reactie']));
".$_DATA['reactie']." |